I was completely grossed out today by S. For some reason my children feel as if bathroom time is family time. They think everyone should just pile on in while someone is doing a number two and have a good old fashion heart to heart! Where my children get this from I have no idea.
Bathrooms are my biggest pet peeve. My loving husband would actually say I'm a little bit of a freak when it comes to this issue. I hate, hate, hate a dirty bathroom and think everything that goes on in there is better left private. That being said I'm at about my limit with our bathrooms. R is out of town on business so I haven't had the full hour I need to devote to cleaning our bathrooms, which means they haven't been cleaned in about a week. (As I am writing this I'm disgusted with myself!)
Now that you have all of the background on my disgusting bathrooms, here is what happened. A was using the facilities and per usual S was in there just hanging out. I, at this point, was just fixated on the fact that in a half and hour a baby sitter was going to come and I was going to get out of the house. Needless to say, I was trying to get ready for the sitter and wasn't paying the best attention to my children. A came out and in that moment two things occurred to me. First, I didn't hear a flush and second, why was I hearing splashing. I literally thought to myself, "Oh my God, I'm going to throw up right now." S was playing in the week dirty, used toilet. It was my worst nightmare come true!
Two very, very sanitized hands later we have some new house rules:
1. Bathroom time is private time
2. S can never, ever be in the bathroom alone
3. You must always, always flush
There is never a dull moment! Please don't judge me for the disgustingness of this post, I'm trying to tell myself it happens to everyone.....
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
I am so glad that my kids have never had a fascination with the bathroom (other then washing their hands for extended amounts of time). They do the whole everyone in at the same time thing. Though I have seen other children that love the toilet, my youngest nephew will splash in it if it is left open. I feel your pain.
I'm with you on the clean bathroom, however, sometimes I slack. My lovely husband said to me once, "I had to clean the toilet because it was starting to look like a truck stop bathroom." Gee, thanks honey! Bathroom time for me is definitely private. It's the only time I lock the door. I don't even answer the kids when they are knocking. Bathroom time is me time. That sounds a little silly....
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