S's newest obsession is the movie Cars, specifically Lightning (or 'nighning' if you are 22 months) and Mater (we haven't perfected how to say Mater yet). A while ago S received a Mater sticker from the doctor. I really didn't think much about it except for the fact that: A- it stopped him from crying after his shot and B- it was most likely going to end up on the floor of my car where I would find it in April or May when it is finally warm enough for me to endure being outside for the extended period of time it takes for me to vacuum out my huge beast of a vehicle.
One Sunday the sticker made an appearance on S's shirt. Apparently R had found it and S had garbled convincingly enough to let R know he needed to wear it. Little did I know how long the sticker would be in my life.
For three, count them 1, 2, 3, days the sticker was on S's shirt. It didn't matter if it was a pj, play, or sweat shirt the sticker had to be on. If S noticed Mater was missing we had a very sad boy. If anyone has ever seen a depressed 22 month little boy, you know what it is a pathetic sight. The sticker went though everything, meals, play dates, baking, sleeping, baths, it became one very mangled and sad excuse for a cartoon drawing.
Finally I was able to take the sticker off a shirt while his sisters were distracting him. So far he hasn't noticed it is gone. I'm crossing my fingers Mater has been forgotten otherwise an emergency sticker run to Target will be in my future!
Notice the pride the chubby little finger has as it's pointing out Mater and the grip he has on the car. I tried to have him put down the car, but it was not happening. We definitely are obsessed with anything with wheels!
invisible apple cake
3 weeks ago
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