This is my first time ever writing a blog. You will have to bare with me because I'm not savvy in the ways of technology. Sure, I could handle my own when I was working (four years ago) but since then my skills have become a little rusty.
My basic reason for starting this blog is purely selfish. Life with three children, 5, 3, and 1, is not quite a mental Olympics for my brain. I find that my intelligence can get lost somewhere between Sesame Street and the third attempt to build the perfect play dough dog. I just need some sort of outlet for all of the ideas, thoughts, and general junk that is bouncing around in my head, if someone out there can identify with me or even just have a laugh, I say great!
With all that being said let me explain some things. In my past life I was the Director of Student Activities at a local technical college. I loved, loved, loved my job, but unfortunately my job was not conducive to my family life. I worked events at all hours and never saw my daughter (J) or husband (R). Surprisingly during this time we found out I was pregnant with number two, a miracle when you consider the amount of time R and I spent together. With the onset of child #2 (A), I knew a change had to be made. R and I talked long and hard about it and decided the best thing for our family would be if I stayed home.
Being a stay at home mom was something I never envisioned for myself. In fact, it was something I fought against. I thought by being at home with my kids I would be falling into a trap of becoming a 1950 's subservient house wife. I have always been a feminist and never ever wanted to become any less then an equal in the eyes of my husband or, unfortunately, society. I realize now that my worries were completely stupid. Staying at home with my children is the most difficult and rewarding job I have ever had. I might be in a conventional role, but I will never be a conventional person. I thought I would take on the world and become a high powered career driven individual. I have always wanted to make the world a better place, originally thought I would do it through my career, but now I realize I'm making the world a better place through my children. It has taken me awhile, but now I love, love, love my job. I'm paid in kisses and hugs, don't have a six month review, and sometimes feel as if I have landed in Elmo hell, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Hey! Welcome to the club. I'm excited that my little sis has joined!! Nice first post!
Wow, I must say, I think your mental capabilities are still top notch. You are a VERY GOOD writer! I am so proud to be your friend. Maybe you can show me how to build a play dough dog. :) Maybe you can think about being an author?......
I really enjoy your writing style and can't wait for more posts! I wish my blog was as funny as yours. ;-)
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